Benefits of a Heritage Conservation District
BRANCH: Provincial Office
TYPE: Member Documents
DATE: October 10, 2023
Ontario's HCD program has been hugely successful with over 140 HCDs currently in place plus more in the works. Many thousands of properties are protected by district designation.
Bill 23 (which came into force on January 1, 2023) and its implementation pose both challenges and opportunities for this impressive portfolio of current and future HCDs. ACO and other stakeholders are awaiting draft proposals for new HCD regulations from the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism. The Ministry has indicated that it will provide time for fulsome consultation with stakeholders this fall.
In anticipation of this consultation, ACO has prepared a summary document describing the substantial benefits of HCDs, and you are encouraged to read Benefits of a Heritage Conservation District which is available below.
Before ACO and other stakeholders provide meaningful advice to the Ministry, it is critically important for ACO members to reflect on the substantial benefits of HCDs. Once you read Benefits of a Heritage Conservation District, if you have any ideas that may be helpful for the anticipated consultation, please feel free to forward your ideas to
October 10, 2023