Interventions to Protect

O'Neill's Opera House (later Royal Bank of Canada), 1871

Port Hope
85 Walton Street
Port Hope ON
L1A 1N4
November 8, 2021

O’Neill’s was Port Hope’s music hall and opera house, until 1928 when it was replaced in that role by the Capitol theatre. The building was the main Port Hope branch of the Royal Bank of Canada until 2016.

January 2018, ACO Port Hope and Port Hope Heritage Foundation issued a Request for Proposal to assess “Market Use and Feasibility to inform the Sustainable Use and Operation of the Port Hope Royal Bank Opera House”. Interim Report by NetGain Partners Inc. has been completed.

Fall 2019, RBC transferred the property to ACO Ontario for a tax receipt of its assessed property value.  ACO Port Hope, is maintaining the building and will be inviting expressions of interest from potential new owners. The prospectus will include the building’s heritage attributes.

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