Interventions to Protect
Old Court House, 1853; Jail, 1866
Old Court House, 1853, architect Dave Smith
Owen Sound Jail, 1866, architect Henry H. Horsey
ACO North Bruce Grey Owen Sound urges conservation for appropriate re-use.
2016, Southbridge Care Homes withdraw proposal to purchase for conversion into a longterm care facility that would retain historic character of the building.
July 2017, most preferred option, Old Court House and Jail becoming a new Tom Thomson Art Gallery (TOM) deemed inappropriate by TOM Board, for reasons that include: “insufficient parking, unknown heritage compliance requirements, and building height restrictions”. Jan 15, 2020, Community Services Committee receives report from Taylor Hazell Architects respecting heritage impact assessment and demolition approvals plan. City Staff directed to work with consultant to undertake public consultation process.
May 7, 2021, Council of The Corporation of the City of Owen Sound intends to dispose of the Old Court House and Jail. No reference to heritage or obligation to conserve in the notice.
March 15, 2022, "Owen Sound council accepted an offer of $50,000 for the properties from Nick Ainis in trust, who has plans to convert the properties into a wedding and events venue, with dining, entertainment, a museum and a shared workspace. Cultural heritage evaluation and heritage impact assessments done by the city looked at the progressive demolition of parts of the jail, ancillary buildings and 132-year-old governor’s residence, but none of that work has proceeded. Ainis said on Tuesday that his plans involve leaving “almost everything as is” and utilizing the existing space as much as possible." Rob Gowan Owen Sound Sun Times, March 15, 2022